Signs and Symptoms of COPD

COPD symptoms are classified into Typical and non-typical type, which includes Chronic Cough, wheezing and shortness of breath and fatigue associated with sputum productions and the amount of sputum produced can change over hours to days. Typically the shortness of breath is worse on exertion of a prolonged duration and worsens over time. In the advanced stages, it occurs during rest and may be always present. It is a source of both anxiety and a poor quality of life in those with COPD. Many people with more advanced COPD breathe through pursed lips and this action can improve shortness of breath in some. Non Typical symptoms associated with Haemoptysis which can occur due to COPD, and also continuous expectoration of purulent sputum along with breathlessness without productive cough or wheezing. Clinical Features leads to high pressure on the lung arteries, which strains the right ventricle of the heart. This situation is referred to as corpulmonale, and leads to symptoms of leg swelling and bulging neck veins. Those with obstructed airflow may have wheezing or decreased sounds with air entry on examination of the chest with a stethoscope. A barrel chest is a characteristic sign of COPD.

  • Typical type of COPD
  • Non-Typical of COPD
  • Clinical Features

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